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TheGoldSovereign Community is a newly created set of forums, focused solely on the passion of collecting. Currently we are in BETA so make your suggestions known in the relevant forum!


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Everything posted by SovereignSaurus

  1. Yes still flawed either way in that sense.
  2. I think the idea for having a gold backed crypto would essentially be like trying to rekindle the gold standard that once was. Creating a medium of exchange that is better protected from reckless governments or out of control economic stimuli like there used to be before we became fully fiat based. It seems we are just so far from any kind of mass adoption and clearly govs around the world don't want to lose the ability to print their problems down the road. Your average person on the street outside of our community doesn't seem to understand money or basic economics to realise the importance of sound money either. The kind of bubble that is going on in recent years of just sticking the word crypto or blockchain next to almost anything seems to make its price go up. Any similarities to the dot com bubble?
  3. Thanks Shaun. I've just bought a few young Victoria shields. Whilst I'm mainly going on quantity at the moment I'm missing a couple of portraits that I'd like to add if/when I see an opportunity. I imagine some are unlikely to turn up at 3% over spot though 😂
  4. I see. So when people are talking about date fillers and gap fillers they'll likely upgrade to a better example when the opportunity arises. I imagine a full modern date run would look incredible all layed out
  5. Hi folks. When it comes to collecting sovereigns, what are people doing? Perhaps you personally or perhaps just an idea Eg 1 of each monarch or a certain date run? So far I'm generally stacking 'best price' bullion sovs but always good to have something to aim at
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